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Why is the Corporate World Obsessed with Family?

Harvey Weinstein has a family too.

Ok. People. It seems we need to discuss employees/employers as Family.

We are not. Either as business owners or employees. Each side of the coin can abuse the "Family" moniker from employees who expect an employer to pay for a non-work related flat tire, to a C-Suite Big Wig dangling the carrot promotion.


Employees and Employers sign contracts to perform - and perform well - specific tasks.

Is it a team? Yes. You share a goal. This is a transactional professional relationship.

Understand, that a business has a limited timeframe. Every business has its life cycle and new administrations - oh - and if only we could stop the corporate politics. One can only dream. (Staff reductions hurt and feel personal. You worked for a profit center. We are capitalists. It is the world we live in. Yes. It is personal, but not personal. Your family still loves you. Your family isn't firing you.)

How to Fix It

Change the "Family" moniker to Corporate Citizenship. (There's always the family member that needs to sleep on your sofa. Many people are triggered by family. Have you watched Succession or read MacBeth?)

Write a Corporate Citizenship Charter - that the employer and employee sign. This is where your company values and mission statement, can go "live".

Super easy - right? Well, simple but not easy. Check out samples of Corporate Citizenship Charters here.


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